I have a flip flop which uses as clk input a signal which comes from the processing of to other signals. That means, that I'm not using the clock of the system neither an input. Thus, when I do:
architecture sampler_a of sampler_e is
signal S0_s : std_logic := '0';
-- In my block this is not only a not. I put this to simplify things.
S0_s <= not(S0_i);
S0_o <= S0_s;
--Also with rising edge does not work
if (S0_s'event and S0_s= '1') then
BitReady_o <= '1';
end if;
end process;
end sampler_a;
BitReady does not change in the simulation (in modelsim). Is the use of std_logic incorrect here? Note that I don't want to generate a pulse that is a clock period's wide, because my circuit works in an asynchronous way.