I am trying to make a gaussian fit over many data points. E.g. I have a 256 x 262144 array of data. Where the 256 points need to be fitted to a gaussian distribution, and I need 262144 of them.
Sometimes the peak of the gaussian distribution is outside the data-range, so to get an accurate mean result curve-fitting is the best approach. Even if the peak is inside the range, curve-fitting gives a better sigma because other data is not in the range.
I have this working for one data point, using code from http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/FittingData .
I have tried to just repeat this algorithm, but it looks like it is going to take something in the order of 43 minutes to solve this. Is there an already-written fast way of doing this in parallel or more efficiently?
from scipy import optimize
from numpy import *
import numpy
# Fitting code taken from: http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/FittingData
class Parameter:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def set(self, value):
self.value = value
def __call__(self):
return self.value
def fit(function, parameters, y, x = None):
def f(params):
i = 0
for p in parameters:
i += 1
return y - function(x)
if x is None: x = arange(y.shape[0])
p = [param() for param in parameters]
optimize.leastsq(f, p)
def nd_fit(function, parameters, y, x = None, axis=0):
Tries to an n-dimensional array to the data as though each point is a new dataset valid across the appropriate axis.
y = y.swapaxes(0, axis)
shape = y.shape
axis_of_interest_len = shape[0]
prod = numpy.array(shape[1:]).prod()
y = y.reshape(axis_of_interest_len, prod)
params = numpy.zeros([len(parameters), prod])
for i in range(prod):
print "at %d of %d"%(i, prod)
fit(function, parameters, y[:,i], x)
for p in range(len(parameters)):
params[p, i] = parameters[p]()
shape[0] = len(parameters)
params = params.reshape(shape)
return params
Note that the data isn't necessarily 256x262144 and i've done some fudging around in nd_fit to make this work.
The code I use to get this to work is
from curve_fitting import *
import numpy
frames = numpy.load("data.npy")
y = frames[:,0,0,20,40]
x = range(0, 512, 2)
mu = Parameter(x[argmax(y)])
height = Parameter(max(y))
sigma = Parameter(50)
def f(x): return height() * exp (-((x - mu()) / sigma()) ** 2)
ls_data = nd_fit(f, [mu, sigma, height], frames, x, 0)
Note: The solution posted below by @JoeKington is great and solves really fast. However it doesn't appear to work unless the significant area of the gaussian is inside the appropriate area. I will have to test if the mean is still accurate though, as that is the main thing I use this for.