I'm trying to write a code that performs a Gaussian fit to a gamma ray calibration spectrum, i.e. multiple peaks. Here is my current code:
from numpy import loadtxt
import numpy as np
from lmfit.models import GaussianModel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Centre of each of the peaks we want to fit Gaussian to
peakCentroids = np.array([251, 398, 803, 908, 996, 1133, 1178, 2581, 3194, 3698, 4671])
#Import total data set
data = loadtxt('Phase_1_02.dat')
x = data[:, 0] #channel number/gamma energy
y = data[:, 1] #Count number
mod = GaussianModel()
pars = mod.guess(y, x=x)
out = mod.fit(y, pars, x=x)
for currentPeakNumber in range(len(peakCentroids)):
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.plot(x, y, 'b')
plt.plot(x, out.init_fit, 'k--', label='initial fit')
plt.plot(x, out.best_fit, 'r-', label='best fit')
It's outputting the spectra for my data and printing the relevant parameters (e.g. center, sigma, fwhm etc.), but I'm having a bit of brain freeze in terms of fitting the Gaussian peak to each of the centroids specified! Currently the output spectra is only fitting to the first peak at a value of about 248. Is there anyone much better at coding in Python than me that can shed some light on how to go about this and if it's possible using Lmfit please? Thanks in advance!! :)