
A contractor has provided us with survey data for a set of stores. The data contains the store numbers, thumbnail images and large images. The data is accessed through the contractor's secured website. In order to build a report for the data, I am trying to scrape the store numbers and images from the site instead of manually downloading each image.

I have not used CFhttp for secured sites, but have had a little success so far with:

    redirect = "yes"
    resolveUrl = "yes">

    <cfhttpparam name="user" value="myUsername" type="formfield">
    <cfhttpparam name="pass" value="myPassword" type="formfield">
    <cfhttpparam name="submit" value="Login" type="formfield">

How do I proceed from getting passed the authentication to the page that contains the image to download?

You'll need to know more about (and then relay here) your third-party site's authentication before a complete answer can be provided. You may luck out and be able to monitor the creation of one or more cookies upon successfully logging in to their site by hand--and if so--use the names (and values) of those cookies for subsequent cfhttp calls to secure pages. You'll need to know definitely, first...otherwise, answers will be based off of pure speculation.Shawn Holmes

2 Answers


I think that CFHTTP may not be the best choice for this. I am good at BASH, so I would tend towards scripting it with curl, but maybe some product on this page would be easier http://www.timedicer.co.uk/web-scraping ?


What does the dump of cfhttp scope look like? Specifically, what is the status code?

If you get a status code of 200, you'll need to maintain the session as you grab each image. See the following:



See this question for saving images via CFHTTP:

Convert an image from CFHTTP filecontent to binary data with Coldfusion