I am trying to get connected to smarter stats website by by passing the login window and load the statistics in a fancybox page
so far this is my code: but that does not seems to be working
<cfhttp method="post" url="https://stats.ezhostingserver.com/" resolveurl="true" redirect="true">
<cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="ctl00$MPH$txtUserName" value="test.ca">
<cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="ctl00$MPH$txtPassword" value="mypwd!">
<cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="ctl00$MPH$txtSiteId" value="12343">
<cfif cfhttp.statuscode EQ '200 OK'>
<cfhttp result="results" url="https://stats.ezhostingserver.com/default.aspx"/>
problem is every time i load the page
http://domain.in/index.cfm it comes back to http://domain.in/stats/Login.aspx
I am using hostek website's stats provide for a domain