
I am using cfhttp to call a service call where I am setting the cfhttpparam type = 'url' name $format value = 'xml' to get a response in xml. I have dumped my variable and everything in the filecontent shows that the format is in xml I think since it says and lists all the variables I was calling for. So I assumed using XMLParse for the results would allow me to obtain the data from the results and define them to variables I can use on the web.

<cfset request.getResponse = structNew() />
result="request.getResponse " username="xxxxxx" password="test">
<cfhttpparam type="url" name="$expand" value="GetRoles,GetVendors" />
<cfhttpparam type="url" name="$format" value="xml" />
<cfdump var="#request.getResponse #">

<cfset FullResponse = XMLParse(request.getResponse )>

<cf_upXMLToStruct XML="#FullResponse#" SoftError="false" variable = "structResponse">

        <cfset rspFirstName = UCASE(trim(structResponse.XML_STRUCT.FirstName)) />
        <cfset rspShoteName = trim(structResponse.XML_STRUCT.ShortName) />
        <cfset rspCompanyName = trim(structResponse.XML_STRUCT.CompanyName) />

But I am getting an error:

Complex Object types cannot be converted to simple values.

I am still new to XML, so I am not sure what I need to do to evaluate the XML. Here is a snip of the response I receive:

<id>http:// TEST/VendorDetailsSet('1000000240')</id>
<title type="text">VendorDetailsSet('1000000240')</title>
<category term=" TEST.VendorDetails" 
<link href="VendorDetailsSet('1000000240')" rel="self" 
<content type="application/xml">
<d:Address m:type=" TEST.AddressDetails">
<d:VendorName>ABC COMPANY</d:VendorName>

Do I need to do something to the results before I can XMLParse it or is there another XML tag I can use to evaluate the results?

I am still learning XML in the ColdFusion environment so any assistance or advice to help me learn on how I can grab the data from the XML would be great.

I do also have the option to return the results in JSON format if that makes it easier.

Take your code a bit at a time. On which line is it throwing the error?Miguel-F
Agreed. Also, what is the complete error message (usually includes the line of code causing the error)? I am guessing it is the custom tag <cf_upXMLToStruct...>.Leigh
The error is Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values. The expression has requested a variable or an intermediate expression result as a simple value. However, the result cannot be converted to a simple value. Simple values are strings, numbers, boolean values, and date/time values. Queries, arrays, and COM objects are examples of complex values. The line with the error is <cfset FullResponse = XMLParse(request.getResponse )> I believe I need to evaluate the variable as a structure or do something to the data before I can use XMLParse?user1978340
Hm.. you are positive it is XMLParse? What do you see when you dump the response on the line before that? ie <cfdump var="#request.getResponse #">Leigh
Chart Set utf-8, Error Detail [empty string], Filecontent: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><entry xml:base="TEST" xmlns="w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:m="schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata" xmlns:d="schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/… type="text">UserDetailsSet('4440000100')</title><updated>2017-05-19T19:29:13Z</updated><category term="/TEST/UserDetails" scheme="schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/scheme">user1978340

2 Answers


I figured out my problem the response was containing multiple components within the response I just needed to change the XMLParse to

<cfset FullResponse = XMLParse(request.getResponse.Filecontent)> 

which Parsed the main XML part. Thanks to everyone that assisted me on this.

  1. dump variable to see format

  2. if value is an array, convert to string with arrayToList