
I have a SOSL query that finds Salesforce Campaigns, and that's working just fine. However, I need to retrieve all Account Team Members for each returned Campaign. Is it possible to add a subquery to SOSL?

Here's what I have so far:

List<List<sObject>> searchList = 
    [FIND :CampaignSearchTerm RETURNING Campaign (Id Where IsActive = true Order By Name)];

If it is not possible, I have a different question. Can SOSL results be assigned to a Map or Set to avoid from having to put together all of the IDs in a for-loop for an SOQL query (for the sake of efficiency)?


Gah.. I don't think this is possible. Apparently there is no documentation on subquerying within SOSL (also, it didn't work when I tried), and the documentation on SOSL states that SOSL only returns data in List<List<sObject>> format. If anyone has a better solution, I'd be glad for suggestions.Matt K

1 Answers


You are correct :) But in terms of efficiency, SOSL is only bringing <= 200 results so producing Id lists for SOQL should have a negligible impact.