I am working in apex on salesforce platform. I have this loop to grab all group names, Ids, and their respective group members, place them in an object to collect all this info, then put that in a list to have a list of all groups and all information I need:
List<groupInfo> memberList = new List<groupInfo>();
for(Id key : groupMap.keySet()){
groupInfo newGroup = new groupInfo();
Group g = groupMap.get(key);
if(g.Name != null){
set<Id> memberSet = getGroupEventRelations(new set<Id>{g.Id});
if(memberSet.size() != 0){
newGroup.groupId = g.Id;
newGroup.groupName = g.Name;
newGroup.groupMemberIds = memberSet;
My getGroupEventRelations method is as such:
global static set<Id> getGroupEventRelations(set<Id> groupIds){
set<Id> nestedIds = new set<Id>();
set<Id> returnIds = new set<Id>();
List<GroupMember> members = [SELECT Id, GroupId, UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE GroupId IN :groupIds];
for(GroupMember member : members){
if(Schema.Group.SObjectType == member.UserOrGroupId.getSObjectType()){
} else{
if(nestedIds.size() > 0){
return returnIds;
getGroupEventRelations contains a soql query, and considering this is called inside a loop of groups... if someone has over 100 groups with group members or possibly a series of 100 nested groups inside groups... then this is going to hit the governing limits of salesforce soql queries pretty quickly...
I am wondering if anyone knows of a way to possibly get rid of the soql query inside getGroupEventRelations to get rid of the query in the loop. When I want group members for a specific group, I am not really seeing a way to get by this without more loops inside loops where I could risk running into CPU timeout salesforce governing limit :(
Thank you in advance for any help!