I am working on a code snippet that is supposed to import all my contacts from Salesforce via SOQL.
Here is what I do when I want to import all Salesforce contacts for my user 00520000001IbXZAA0
First SOQL:
SELECT Id FROM account WHERE ownerid = ‘00520000001IbXZAA0’
Then I get all the account id where I am a team member:
SELECT AccountId FROM accountteammember WHERE UserId = ‘00520000001IbXZAA0’
Then I build an array with my ids and from my 2 previous requests and get all contacts this way:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Account.Name FROM Contact WHERE AccountId IN myarrayofids ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC
This approach seems to get most of my contacts but I can still see some contacts appear in Salesforce but that are not retrieved with these 3 queries. Am I missing something here?
I have only very few knowledge of how Salesforce work but I suppose that if I retrieve all contacts where I am a team member or owner, I should retrieve all contacts I am able to see on Salesforce or am I missing something here?
Many thanks