For me, it was a combination of comments by pretty much everybody involved so far.
First, I started with this simple test:
it "routes / to the widgets controller" do
get('/').should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
This resulted in:
1) Mozoo::WidgetController GET widget index routes / to the widgets controller
Failure/Error: get('/').should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
No route matches {:controller=>"mozoo/widget", :action=>"/"}
# ./spec/controllers/mozoo/widget_controller_spec.rb:9:in `block (3 levels) in <module:Mozoo>'
So I switched from get('/')
to { :get => '/' }
and things started working great. Not sure why. According to lib/rspec/rails/matchers/routing_matchers.rb L102-105, there is no difference, but it makes a difference to me. Regardless, thanks @cameron-pope.
Next, I added another pretty simple and very similar test as that above:
it "routes root_path to the widgets controller" do
{ :get => root_path }.should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
And was getting this error:
1) Mozoo::WidgetController GET widget index routes root_path to the widgets controller
Failure/Error: { :get => '/mozoo' }.should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
No route matches "/mozoo"
# ./spec/controllers/mozoo/widget_controller_spec.rb:14:in `block (3 levels) in <module:Mozoo>'
So I added this:
before(:each) { @routes = Mozoo::Engine.routes }
And got a better/different error:
1) Mozoo::WidgetController GET widget index routes root_path to the widgets controller
Failure/Error: { :get => root_path }.should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
The recognized options <{"controller"=>"mozoo/widget", "action"=>"index", "section"=>"mozoo"}> did not match <{"controller"=>"mozoo/widget", "action"=>"index"}>, difference: <{"section"=>"mozoo"}>.
<{"controller"=>"mozoo/widget", "action"=>"index"}> expected but was
<{"controller"=>"mozoo/widget", "action"=>"index", "section"=>"mozoo"}>.
# ./spec/controllers/mozoo/widget_controller_spec.rb:14:in `block (3 levels) in <module:Mozoo>'
From there, I changed my test to include the section (the namespace my engine is under):
{ :get => root_path }.should route_to(:controller => "mozoo/widget", :action => "index", :section => "mozoo")
And viola, it passed. Thanks @steven-anderson.
This next part is odd. After adding another test for a specific widget which used the widget_path url helper for a named route:
it "will successfully serve the widget show page" do
visit widget_path(:foobar)
response.should be_success
The test promptly blowd up on me with:
1) GET bubble_summary_row widget will have the content section properly scoped
Failure/Error: visit widget_path(:bubble_summary_row)
undefined method `widget_path' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_3:0x0000010748f618>
# ./spec/views/mozoo/widgets/show.html.haml_spec.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <module:Mozoo>'
So I added the following spec_helper config entry:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Testy::Engine.routes.url_helpers
And BAM! It passed. Thanks @sam-soffes. What makes this odd is that later on when creating this comment, I removed that config entry to try and get the error back and I was unable to reproduce the error simply by removing the config entry. Oh well, I'm moving on. Hopefully this long-winded account helps somebody.