
I'm working on a mountable engine for use with Rails 3.1, and I want to list the engine's routes.

I created the engine using:

$ rails plugin new rails_blog_engine --mountable

And edited the 'test/dummy/config/routes' file to read:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount RailsBlogEngine::Engine => "/blog"

...and 'config/routes' to read:

RailsBlogEngine::Engine.routes.draw do
  resources :posts

I want to list the routes generated for ':posts', but it's not clear how I can do this. When I run 'rake app:routes', I get only the "/blog" route:

$ rake app:routes
rails_blog_engine    /blog    {:to=>RailsBlogEngine::Engine}

When I run 'rake routes', I get an error:

$ rake routes
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'routes'

How can I see the routes for ':posts'? Can I do this without rewriting the relevant rake tasks?

Now, in Rails 3.2.2, rake app:routes works fine. A simple rake routes does throw the same error, but that is expected.Zabba
Writing an engine today, I ran into this problem, and I just noticed I had the same problem 3 years ago! (ref my comment above) Some things never change, eh? :)Zabba

6 Answers


In case people are missing it in the comments, as of Rails 3.2.2, you can now use

$ rake app:routes

If you copy code from the standard Rails 3.1.0 rake routes task into your Rakefile, and change the top part to read:

task :routes => 'app:environment' do
  all_routes = RailsBlogEngine::Engine.routes.routes

...replacing RailsBlogEngine with the name of your engine, then you can get a rudimentary list of routes by running:

rake routes

Note that in Rails 3.1.1 and later, you'll need a newer version of the rake routes task.


For rails 3.x engine, rake routes does not work under engine's root (that's why it needs some hack by copying rake file). However rake routes works under test/dummy (or spec/dummy if using rspec). It will list all the pathes which belong to the engine in development and other engines mounted.


For rails 3

 desc 'Print out all defined routes inside engine  match order, with names. Target specific controller with CONTROLLER=x.'
  task engine_routes: :environment do
    app = ENV['ENGINE'] || "Rails.application"
    all_routes = app.constantize.routes.routes
    require 'rails/application/route_inspector'
    inspector = Rails::Application::RouteInspector.new
    puts inspector.format(all_routes, ENV['CONTROLLER']).join "\n"

Rails 4

 desc 'Print out all defined routes inside engine match order, with names. Target specific controller with CONTROLLER=x.'

  task engine_routes: :environment do
   app = ENV['ENGINE'] || "Rails.application"
   all_routes = app.constantize.routes.routes
   require 'action_dispatch/routing/inspector'
   inspector = ActionDispatch::Routing::RoutesInspector.new(all_routes)
   puts inspector.format(ActionDispatch::Routing::ConsoleFormatter.new, ENV['CONTROLLER'])

Then you can call like

 $rake engine_routes ENGINE="IssueTracker::Engine"

in Rails 5, I could get the routes of the engine using the following command:

bundle exec rake app:routes

In rails 3.2X If you are in you "host_app" and have mounted a engine you could probably list the routes by executing (should work out of the box):

bundle exec rake engine_name:routes