I'm making a small rails engine which I mount like this:
mount BasicApp::Engine => "/app"
Using this answer I have verified that all the routes in the engine are as the should be:
However - when I (inside the engine) link to a named route (defined inside the engine) I get this error
undefined local variable or method `new_post_path' for #<#<Class:0x000000065e0c08>:0x000000065d71d0>
Running "rake route" clearly verifies that "new_post" should be a named path, so I have no idea why Rails (3.1.0) can't figure it out. Any help is welcome
my config/route.rb (for the engine) look like this
BasicApp::Engine.routes.draw do
resources :posts, :path => '' do
resources :post_comments
resources :post_images
I should add that it is and isolated engine. However paths like main_app.root_path works fine - while root_path does not