I have implemented a lockless queue using the hazard pointer methodology explained in http://www.research.ibm.com/people/m/michael/ieeetpds-2004.pdf using GCC CAS instructions for the implementation and pthread local storage for thread local structures.
I'm now trying to evaluate the performance of the code I have written, in particular I'm trying to do a comparison between this implementation and the one that uses locks (pthread mutexes) to protect the queue.
I'm asking this question here because I tried comparing it with the "locked" queue and I found that this has better performances with respect to the lockless implementation. The only test I tried is creating 4 thread on a 4-core x86_64 machine doing 10.000.000 random operations on the queue and it it significantly faster than the lockless version.
I want to know if you can suggest me an approach to follow, i.e. what kind of operation I have to test on the queue and what kind of tool I can use to see where my lockless code is wasting its time.
I also want to understand if it is possible that the performance are worse for the lockless queue just because 4 threads are not enough to see a major improvement...