struct SubSection {
let title:String
var options: [SubSettingsOptionType]
enum SubSettingsOptionType {
case staticCell(model:SubSettingsOption)
case switchCell(model:SubSettingsSwitchOption)
class SubSettingsSwitchOption {
let title:String
let handler: (() -> Void)
let isOn:Bool
init(title:String, _ mHandler:@escaping (() -> Void), isOn:Bool) {
self.title = title
self.isOn = isOn
self.handler = mHandler
class SubSettingsOption {
var title:String
var isSelected:Bool
var handler: ((Int, Int) -> Void)
init(title:String, isSelected:Bool, _ mHandler:@escaping ((Int, Int) -> Void)) {
self.title = title
self.isSelected = isSelected
self.handler = mHandler
I came across a code with a complex structure for me as above When I try to access and use this code, I am using the following, but it is very inconvenient every time I use it. Is there an easier way to access the data?
thank you so much for reading
let type = models[0].options[0]
switch type.self {
case .staticCell(let model):
model.isSelected = true
case .switchCell(let model):