Is the following a correct classification of the different (main) value types in Javascript?
'use strict';
a = undefined,
b = false,
c = 'hello',
d = 2.42,
e = 4,
f = BigInt(272),
g = Symbol('a'),
h = function() {return 'hi'},
i = null,
j = /123/,
k = [1,2,3],
l = {1: 2};
// Undefined
a. ${a} --> ${typeof a}
// Primitives
b. ${b} --> ${typeof b}
c. ${c} --> ${typeof c}
d. ${d} --> ${typeof d}
e. ${e} --> ${typeof e}
// New Primitives
f. ${f} --> ${typeof f}
g. ${g.toString()} --> ${typeof g}
// Function
h. ${h} --> ${typeof h}
// Object (everything else)
i. ${i} --> ${typeof i}
j. ${j} --> ${typeof j}
k. ${k} --> ${typeof k}
k. ${l} --> ${typeof l}
Additionally, it seems very odd to me that the value undefined
has type undefined, but then the value null
has the type object -- why does the language define it like that?
to have another type? – evolutionxbox