
I want to create a graph line in tableau with a count distinct id per month. I use an excel spreedsheet that is updated a few times per month but never on the same date, so i have different dates resgistered as months go by. I want to use the last date registered per month so I can use that date to show month's trend through the years (each id represent a different construction bulding, so it is expectad that same id can be found on different months).

This is what I tried:

Tableau Fixed (LOD) formula the get last date registered per each month:

{ FIXED [id_constructionbuilding], MONTH([date_registered]): MAX([date_registered])}

Then I use rows and columns in tableau but I get more than one max date (my excel has 2020 and 2021 dates, so it's picking dates from October 2020 and October 2021 for example). Dates are order according to spanish so you will see month and days shifted:

enter image description here
