I am a newbie at Tableau (thought I have spent years working in R and Python), seems to be different in the way it handles things or I'm just not thinking the right way.
I have a data sources with training data (employees training and the status). The point is to build a dashboard that shows the % of training that is overdue. I have all of the logic for it, but I am stuck on something.
I have a calculated field to show me the total training due, then when I put that in a table, with a filter by year and a breakdown by month, I get the totals by month - good deal.
Now, I need to perform an year calculation (not the months, but the year based on a few different things), so my first step is I need to get the "Total Training Due" for December 2018. I have a dimension called "Due Month" which is a numeric (1,2,3,4, etc.) representing the month. So, based on what I have observed, I just need to do a little IF statement like so (keep in mind this is only for 2018 data right now):
IF [Due Month] = MAX[Due Month] THEN COUNT[Employee ID] END
I know this isn't the exact context, but it's sort of what I am looking for. So, for 2018, it would mean that, for all rows that are of month 12, I want to count those up (each row is a unique training requirement) and I want the total for the latest month in the data set. My overall goal is to create the calculation I need in a new sheet with a single calculated field (See the image below of the Excel spreadsheet and the J10 calculation). Then I can use a dashboard to combine everything. I thought about a total row at the bottom, but there isn't enough ways to change the totals to customize it to what I need. I figured I dashboard was the way to go and replicate each part it its own sheet.
I have seen so many suggestion for things like this, but not exactly this. I have tried many, but nothing that works. Here is the spreadsheet I am trying to replicate:
As you can see that calculation in J10 is kind of weird, no biggie for Excel, but I am struggling to replicate this in Tableau. Here is what I have in my Tableau so far, I'm 90% of the way there, I just need that last calculation. I have replicated the main table, and figure I'll do this J10 calc on a new sheet and just put them together on a Dahsboard. The only thing is, I want this to work when new data comes in, so I don't want to hard code any month numbers in there, I want it to be dynamic. Here is what I have on the tableau so far:
Thanks in advance!!