
I'm new to Tableau. I am trying to make an inventory report which tells the user how much of certain product he/she should buy in advance.

Depending on the amount of days selected on the filter, the difference in days of the complete period should be calculated. For example: If the filtered dates are from 1/03/2021 to 09/03/2021, the result should be equal to 9. The formula I used is the following: date_difference = DATEDIFF("day",MIN(DATE([Fecha])), MAX(DATE([Fecha]))) + 1

enter image description here

The problem comes when I try to use the value given by such date filter. My next calculation should be: calc = Quantity Inventory / (Units sold / date_difference). Both Quantity Inventory and Units sold are calculated fields in which I have no problem. However, instead of having a fixed value of 9, date_difference changes as shown in the image, giving me incorrect results for the desired calculation.

enter image description here

How can I make sure that the calculated field date_difference has the value of 9 on all rows?. Actually, if I add date_difference field by itself in a different Page it does show the proper value. The problem occurs when calculating calc and trying to add it to the table.

Note: Remember that the value of date_difference will change, depending on the range of time selected on the date filter

Thanks a lot in advance.


1 Answers


Step-1 Use this calculation for date_difference instead

DATEDIFF('day', {min(DATE([Fecha]))}, {max(DATE([Fecha]))}) +1

Step-2 Add Fecha filter to context, by right clicking it in filters shelf.

This will solve your problem. See the GIF

enter image description here