I am currently creating some dashboards in tableau and I am stuck at a point, I tried finding solutions online but no go. So I thought maybe I can ask you.
1)The data I am looking at shows customer purchase value per department.
2) So I am having 2 dimensions: ‘customer name’ and ‘department’, and 1 measure: ‘sales’
3) I created a calculated field which gives all the customers that have bought from a selected department. For eg. When I select Printers from a parameter field, I get all the customers that have bought printer.
4) Now my task is to find what else have these ‘printer customers’ bought, because a customer can buy from multiple departments.
My problem is I am not able to filter ‘customer name’ dimension so that it only shows the printer customers that I have calculated based on my parameter selection.
I would really appreciate if you can throw some light in the right direction.