
I have a form called Software which I'm trying to have filtered based on what is entered in the box. The form calls from another table called Software titles and pulls title from that list. It can either be a combo box or Text box but it would be nice if when you start typing if it could pull up the results as you type. I'd like to set it up to where the box shows results such as:

If Vis is entered it will only return results where Title starts with Vis.

I'm a beginner and mostly setup through SQL/Access interface. I have not dealt with VBA.

Appreciate any help!

"Find as you type" is a common topic. Start with stackoverflow.com/questions/45172467/…June7
I took a look at these but got a little lost...Alex
Well, apparently 'find as you type' is not simple and I've never needed. So, for something simpler, review this other Allen Browne article allenbrowne.com/ser-62.htmlJune7
not exactly what you are looking for but might help: stackoverflow.com/questions/65896371/…mazoula

1 Answers


Place a button named Search near the text box and add the following code to the click event:

Me.Form.Filter = "[title] Like '*" & [titleTextBox] & "*'"
Me.Form.FilterOn = True