I have one table that has purchases of material from several vendors, some as many as 50 to 100 items per vendor. I'm trying to use a split form with a combo box to select a vendor then show all records of the purchases from that vendor.
I listed the vendors in the combo box and tried a VBA code to filter the records
Private sub cboVendors_AfterUpdate()
Me.Filter= "[Vendors] = " & char(34) & Me.cboVendors & char(34)
Me.FilterOn =True
End Sub
I'm using Access 2016 and get a: compile error Sub or function not defined If I dim char(34) I get a syntax error :
(missing Operator) in query expression[vendors] = Ace Hardware
The vendor selected. The code I used, I found on a Youtube video online that seemed to work with Access 2007. I'm expecting to get the results of the records pertaining to the vendor I select from the combo box.