I have a query called qryFlightPrices. It contains four fields. One of these fields is called Favs.
In the Favs field of this Query I have entered filter Criteria which references a Combo Control on a Dialog form. I entered the criteria for the Favs field like this [Forms]![frmFlightPrices]![Favs]
The combo controls row source is this code:
SELECT DISTINCT AirportRoutes.Favs
FROM AirportRoutes;
UNION Select "<All>" From AirportRoutes
From the combo box drop down menu I have these three options:
Holiday Only,
For Relocation
The query works when I select the Holiday Only and For Relocation options
The Problem
When I select All from the combo box in order to see all records from the Favs field the query doesnt return any results.
When I leave the combo blank the query also returns no results.
How can I get the query to return all results
Thank you