I have to manage a website which will display mainly videos. This website will have a mobile version with < video > tag, so that the video can also be played on ipod, iphone, ipad, and other mobile devices, in their browser.
The question that I now have is: which format/codec choose to convert the videos, for having the best workflow?
The perfect solution would be to find a format that can be played in both flash and < video > players, so that my client hasn't to export the videos in several files.
For the Flash, I would use .flv file, with h264 codec. But that format/codec can't be played with < video >, isn't it?
If not, is there a format/codec combination that could work on both?
If always not, what may I do? Have a .flv/h264 file for the web version, and a .ogg/webM file for the mobile version?
Thank you in advance for your precious advises!