I have a page for uploading videos, and I want the file types to be mp4 flash and webm files. all the mp4 extension files and webm files work fine but the flash files (.flv and .f4v) are not recognized and therefore php returns the value 'application/octet-stream' which I believe is the default MIME for any files which aren't recognized. is there a better method than this code that will recognize the flash files for there true MIMES (video/x-flv and video/x-f4v) respectively?
$type = $_FILES["uploaded"]["type"];
$allowedTypes = ["video/mp4","video/quicktime","video/x-flv","video/x- f4v",
$isRefusedType = !in_array($type, $allowedTypes);
if ($isRefusedType)
$message="not an accepted file type";
else $message="OK";