
Hi I'm coding a small program in MIPS that divide 2 between 9 and show the result.This is the code

li $t1, 2
li $t2, 9
li $v0, 2
div $t0,$t2,$t1
move $a0,$t0

(this is not the full code, just the section handling division)

So, 2 / 9 is 0.2222222222222222

But when I run it I only get 0.0

How I show the true result (0.2222222222222222)?

I've been said that I'm using integer instead of floating point, that I must use the floating point instructions to get results in decimal. That I should look up the div.x instruction, but div.x is not a recognized operator.

So, I'm pretty much in blank. I don't understand what to do.

Could someone post the code to show the floating point result?

Thanks in advance.

Was there something wrong with your previous question? stackoverflow.com/questions/6513610/…Jens Björnhager
You should consider tagging this as homework, since I can't think of any other reason to be working with MIPS.Yuck
@Ashir - If you need to explain your question better, please edit your previous question instead of opening a new one. If you are looking for a better answer, give it some time. Re-posting questions is not the right way to get them answered.bta
possible duplicate of Show division result in MIPSbta
I've merged your 3 questions into just this one. Please don't repost the same question over and over again (at least 2 of them were nearly identical.)Lasse V. Karlsen

4 Answers


Ok, after a long try and mistake the right way to print the true result is:

Set 2 floating points registers using pseudo li.s (Thanks to Paul R for point me in the right direction)

li.s $f1, 2.0
li.s $f2, 9.0

Obviously, prepare to print a float

li $v0, 2

At division instead of div $t0,$t2,$t1 I should use

div.s $f12,$f1,$f2

and instead of move $a0,$t0 I should just


There is no need to move, div.s prints outs the result at once so there is no real need to move the contents of $f12 into $a0 for print its content.

It's a real shame that mars doesn't implment the pseudo li.s. I had to try this on PCSPIM...

The final code is

.globl main
li.s $f1, 2.0
li.s $f2, 9.0
li $v0, 2
div.s $f12,$f1,$f2
li $v0, 10

When you run it you'll get 0.22222222, the true result of dividing 2 between 9.


It's an integer division instruction, so 2 / 9 = 0 is the correct result. Try e.g. 27 / 9 and you should get a result of 3.


You are doing integer division. Use the floating point instructions to get results in decimal. Look up the div.x instruction.


Without knowing the full objectives, perhaps it suffices to use a convenient integer shortcut: divide 2 billion by 9 and display that with an artificially inserted decimal point. In C, this would be something like

printf ("0.%d", 2000000000 / 9);