
I'm trying to figure out why I am getting this error when my Magento module tries to install itself:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'export_sent' for key 'PRIMARY'

I think the module is trying to install itself more than once for some reason, since each time it runs, a value is inserted into sales_order_status table. The first instruction runs and then it seems like the code keeps repeating itself. Not sure what is going on. Any help is more than appreciated! BTW I did delete the value export_sent from the table before running this install.

My module's config.xml:


                <schedule><cron_expr>* * * * *</cron_expr></schedule>

and my sql/export_setup/mysql4-install-0.1.0.php:

$installer = $this;
    INSERT INTO  `{$this->getTable('sales/order_status')}` (
        `status` ,
    ) VALUES (
        'export_sent',  'Exported to Mainframe'
    INSERT INTO  `{$this->getTable('sales/order_status_state')}' (
        `status` ,
        `state` ,
    ) VALUES (
        'export_sent',  'processing',  '0'

    INSERT INTO  `{$this->getTable('sales/order_status')}` (
        `status` ,
    ) VALUES (
        'export_acknowledged',  'Acknowledged by Mainframe'
    INSERT INTO  `{$this->getTable('sales/order_status_state')}' (
        `status` ,
        `state` ,
    ) VALUES (
        'export_acknowledged',  'processing',  '0'

2 Answers


You say that you deleted export_sent from the table (singular), but actually in your setup script it is inserted twice, in 2 tables: did you deleted it in both tables?
Anyway, to have a better understanding of the problem, I recomend you to apply these instructions, you'll see the whole error. It involves editing app/Mage.php, so the changes will be overriden next time you upgrade your installation.


There is an sql error, I used a single quote instead of a back tick on two lines in that script.