
Running Magento, I'm trying to add 2 new checkbox fields into the Address form via Module.

Problem: The database script is NOT executed (note the die() function on the first line)


  • My module does not exist in core_resources table
  • database does not get updated
  • module is listed & enabled in System > Configuration > Advanced
  • log enabled, folder {base_dir}/var/log/ is 777, no log produced
  • I'm installing the module; is uploading the files to the folder & refresh the cache & frontend once triggers the install?

Question: What did I miss?

Here is the {base_dir}/app/code/local/Tdg/Check/etc/config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And the SQL Update file {base_dir}/app/code/Tdg/Check/sql/check_setup/mysql4-install-1.0.1.php:

die('Installing Module');
/* @var $installer Mage_Customer_Model_Entity_Setup */
$installer = $this;
/* @var $addressHelper Mage_Customer_Helper_Address */
$addressHelper = Mage::helper('customer/address');
$store         = Mage::app()->getStore(Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID);

/* @var $eavConfig Mage_Eav_Model_Config */
$eavConfig = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config');

// update customer address user defined attributes data
$attributes = array(
    'chk_commercial'           => array(   
        'label'             => 'Chk Commercial',
        'type'              => 'int',
        'input'             => 'checkbox',
        'default'           => 0,
        'is_user_defined'   => 1,
        'is_system'         => 0,
        'is_visible'        => 1,
        'sort_order'        => 140,
        'is_required'       => 1,
        'multiline_count'   => 0,
        'validate_rules'    => array(
            'max_text_length'   => 1,
            'min_text_length'   => 1
    'chk_residential'           => array(   
        'label'             => 'Chk Residential',
        'type'              => 'int',
        'input'             => 'checkbox',
        'default'           => 0,
        'is_user_defined'   => 1,
        'is_system'         => 0,
        'is_visible'        => 1,
        'sort_order'        => 141,
        'is_required'       => 1,
        'multiline_count'   => 0,
        'validate_rules'    => array(
            'max_text_length'   => 1,
            'min_text_length'   => 1

foreach ($attributes as $attributeCode => $data) {
    $attribute = $eavConfig->getAttribute('customer_address', $attributeCode);
        $usedInForms = array(
        $attribute->setData('used_in_forms', $usedInForms);

    ALTER TABLE {$this->getTable('sales_flat_quote_address')} ADD COLUMN `chk_commercial` VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL AFTER `fax`;
    ALTER TABLE {$this->getTable('sales_flat_order_address')} ADD COLUMN `chk_commercial` VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL AFTER `fax`;
    ALTER TABLE {$this->getTable('sales_flat_quote_address')} ADD COLUMN `chk_residential` VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL AFTER `fax`;
    ALTER TABLE {$this->getTable('sales_flat_order_address')} ADD COLUMN `chk_residential` VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL AFTER `fax`;

Last, it's the Module definition file Tdg_Check.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
If you have are upgrading module then you have to change module version and create upgrade file instead of install file mysql4-upgrade-"OLDER_VERSION"-"NEW_VERSION".Hardik Shah
Sorry I'm not clear enough, I try to install the module. How do I force install when core_resources does not have my module name on it ? (p.s. actually which value will appear in core_resources table? Is it Tdg_Check?)Raptor
Its shows like check_setup in code field of core_resource table.Hardik Shah
Is it showing your module record?Hardik Shah
Omg! I never thought it's check_setup ! I removed it from the core_resources table and the install script runs ! Thanks ! Please put it as answer !Raptor

1 Answers


In Magento module entry stored in code field like below: yourmodulename_setup

Check for record like check_setup in code field of core_resource table.

So for run install script again you have to find module record in module and remove that record. It will automatically run the script again.