I've been stuck on this for a couple of days now. For some reason, duplicating the Magento Authorize.net (Mage_Paygate) module just doesn't work on the front-end. I've managed to duplicate the module and have it show up with its own configuration options in the back-end, but I can't get the payment method to show up on front-end during check out.
So far I've tried copying the module and changing every single instance of the model names to avoid conflict, I've done this multiple times from scratch so I'm confident that it's not an issue of an invalid class call...
There's some kind of magic button that I'm missing. I'm really hoping to hear from someone who's successfully duplicated a core payment module, specifically Authorize.net
I need to create duplicates for accounting purposes. There is no other solution than to duplicate the authorize.net modules.
EDIT: Some insight into why I need multiple copies of the authorize.net module: My company processes high volume sales, more than most merchant services will allow. The idea is that we will have several authorize.net modules pre-loaded with multiple authorize.net API credentials that each correspond to a different merchant, so that when one of the merchants caps out we can disable that payment method and enable the next one.
The reason I can't just switch the information in a single authorize.net module is that we need the funds for each credit card to be deposited into separate bank accounts - ECC, the software we use to transfer data from magento to quickbooks, accepts the payment method based on the Title field. In order to differentiate which credit card processor we are transferring funds for, we append a (ACRONYM) to the title field. When this title field changes, ECC poops itself because it suddenly doesn't know where the funds came from for the transactions it's downloading.
We've tried various things and feel that making copies of an authorize.net module would be the best solution. Thanks.