I have an application where I'm continuously writing to a block ram at a slow clock speed (clk_a) and within this slow clock cycle need to read three indexes from the block ram at a fast clock speed (clk_b) to use these values as operands in a math module, the result being written back to the block ram on the next slow clock. These three indexes are the current address written to at posedge of the slow clock, plus the two immediate neighbouring addresses (addr_a -1 and addr_a +1).
What is an efficient way to synthesize this? My best attempt to date uses a small counter (triplet) running at fast clock rate that increments the addresses but I end up running out of logic as it looks like Yosys does not infer the ram properly. What is a good strategy for this?
here is what I have:
module myRam2 (
input clk_a,
input clk_b,
input we_a,
input re_a,
input [10:0] addr_a,
input [10:0] addr_b,
input [11:0] din_a,
output [11:0] leftNeighbor,
output [11:0] currentX,
output [11:0] rightNeighbor
parameter MEM_INIT_FILE2 = "";
if (MEM_INIT_FILE2 != "")
$readmemh(MEM_INIT_FILE2, ram2);
reg [11:0] ram2 [0:2047];
reg [1:0] triplet = 3;
reg [10:0] old_addr_a;
reg [11:0] temp;
always @(posedge clk_a) begin
ram2[addr_a] <= din_a;
always@(posedge clk_b)
if (old_addr_a != addr_a) begin
triplet <= 0;
old_addr_a <= addr_a;
if(triplet < 3) begin
triplet <= triplet +1;
always @(posedge clk_b) begin
temp <= ram2[addr_a + (triplet - 1)];
always @(posedge clk_b) begin
0: leftN <= temp;
1: X <= temp;
2: rightN <= temp;
reg signed [11:0] leftN;
reg signed [11:0] X;
reg signed [11:0] rightN;
assign leftNeighbor = leftN;
assign currentX = X;
assign rightNeighbor = rightN;