I have a JobPosts/Index
page with multiple GET parameter bindings to allow filtering: let's take CityId
and IsRemote
for example. I don't want these to be passed as query string parameters, instead I want to use friendly routes for them. So I have defined these:
options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/JobPosts/Index", "cities/{cityId}/jobs");
options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/JobPosts/Index", "remote-jobs");
options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/JobPosts/Index", "jobs");
The routes work just fine when I type them in the browser and the CityId
one is bound properly, but two things are missing.
First, there is no way to specify a default value for my IsRemote
param, which I want to set to true
ONLY when using the remote-jobs
And second, when trying to generate a URL like this:
<a asp-area="" asp-page="/JobPosts/Index" asp-route-cityId="@Model.CityId"></a>
I get the following URL:
When what I actually expect is:
So it looks like the tag helper or the part responsible for constructing the URL doesn't look at all at the different routes to try and get a best match based on the list of parameters. Actually, it will always use the last page route defined for that page.
Nor do I have the option anywhere to specify a route name for the page route and then use asp-route
to explicitly say which route I want.
Any ideas how to achieve that? Or if it's something that's on the roadmap for Razor Pages?
EDIT: Hardcoding the href
is not an option. I want this to go through the proper routing services as there are other things to be done as well, like generating culture-specific URL for non-english users (eg. {cultureId}/cities/{cityId}/jobs
- this is done through route conventions. Hardcoding the href
would obviously bypass that.