I want to create routes for rendering views (web routes) and routes for administration purpose (api routes). So I created a directory structure like this:
controllers //root controller folder
Api //subfolder of controllers folder
I have classes with the same name and it is messing up my routes. The "api routes" are overlapping the "web routes".
This is how I defined my api routes
namespace Loja.Controllers.Api
public class ProdutosController : Controller
// GET: api/<controller>
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
This is how I defined my web routes :
namespace Loja.Controllers
public class ProdutosController : Controller
public IActionResult Get(string slug)
When I try to generate a link to my web route I am directed to the api route. Why?
<a asp-controller="Produtos" asp-action="Get" asp-route-slug="@produto.Slug">
When I click the link I am directed to