as i'm new to Razor Pages concept in ASP.NET Core, i want to apply a general URL to pass the culture parameter to the route
i have done that using MVC but i would like also to apply it with Razor pages here is what i have done in MVC and its working as needed
name: "default",
template: "{culture}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
i have applied it with specific Page and its working too
options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/RealEstate/Index", "{culture}/RealEstate");
but when i want to apply for all pages it doesn't work and i don't know what should be passed as a PageName
options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("*", "{culture}/{*url}");
also i want to exclude the admin folder from this convention to be instead of en-US/Admin also i need to set a default culture in the URL when the user opens the site for first time, like for example to be and loads default culture, or even loads by Default