
I have the following data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16JyE91jVJ8CgLfBhlygQCA85xJs5cjQLojM6b318JNQ/edit#gid=0

In a single cell, I want to get the number of unique Countries & Cities with Status = "PENDING" and Special Package = "Yes" with out creating a new column. I tried using the following formula:


But it returns the error: Argument must be a range.


1 Answers


You have to use it like this:


So you are saying:

Count from A column
Where D column = "PENDING"
And E column = "YES"

Check COUNTUNIQUEIF documentation.


You can count the uniques with the B column since the countries will repeat in almost any circumstance, so you can count the unique cities that have the conditions.

Also you can use a query to group the results by country or city and even show you which one is:

=QUERY(A2:E7, "select count(B), B, A where D ='PENDING' and E ='Yes' GROUP BY A,B")

enter image description here