I am wondering if there is an issue with my formula because its not filling the entire column like an array should.
Currently my formula is working perfectly with B2, but its not working for the entire range B2:B.
Here is my formula:
},"select Col4 WHERE Col1 CONTAINS " & $A2:A))
The IMPORTRANGE sheet looks like... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GFnkuE3Dx-rTuvEV6wj1mCEq3P6cOxbzYco4aFVNw-I/edit?usp=sharing
| L |M|N| O |
| 000001 |*|*|JohnDoe@email.com |
| 000002 |*|*|JaneDoe@email.com |
| 000003 |*|*|BobDoe@email.com |
The ARRAYFORMULA is in B2 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JaWUWS3xKOwSX9y7uWUqEU5_Knp8nRgnhlVa1kRNlTo/edit?usp=sharing
| A | B |
| 000003 | BobDoe@email.com | <- Contains the formula above and works.
| 000001 | * | <- No data: should say "JohnDoe@email.com"
| 000002 | * | <- No data: "JaneDoe@email.com"
Is this a limitation in Google Sheets? Thanks!