Was discussed in AKS Creation Without Public Load Balancer github issue with afterward explanation
It is possible the SLB IP is just for egress.
Let me try to clarify.
AKS with Basic Load Balancer
You can create it by passing the load balancer sku parameter Has
implicit Egress (you won't see a public IP, although it is there on
the Azure infrastructure) You can create private services accessible
only through private IPs using the internal annotation.
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/internal-lb AKS with
Standard Load Balancer
Used by default on latest clientes, or explicitly by using the same
parameter as above Has only explicit egress, which means if there
isn't an egress IP the cluster won't have egress and will be broken.
This is like the gateway to the internet IP. You can control,
pre-create or change this IP (or have more than one) You can create
private services accessible through private IPs using the internal
annotation. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/internal-lb In
some cases, enterprises might have egress defined via UDRs through a
firewall etc. In which case that egress IP will not be used, and will
be effectively not needed. But as of now it will be needed at create
time as we don't know the egress path defined. We are no working on a
UDR outbound type for SLB that will allow users to confirm they have
egress through UDRs and in this case the SLB won't be created with a
Public IP for egress
Like @Sajeetharan asked- what is the use case?
Also how is it mandatory for you to use AKS? Maybe the same you can easier resolve just regular with kubeadm cluster?
Deploying a Kubernetes cluster in Azure using kubeadm