
I can't make aks-engine create load balancer for agent pool, service stays in 'pending' state forever.

kubectl get svc -w
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP        16m
nginx        LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:31190/TCP   13s

I can see only load balancer for master in the resource group. It's all deployed with pretty generic aks-engine generate examples/kubernetes-custom-vnet.json (just using existing vnet) and then ARM templates

i suppose your service principal doesnt have enough rights. any errors in the kubectl get events?4c74356b41
I even added 'sp' as owner to the agent subnet, let me get events after I will recreate cluster again asap, trying without custom vnet now;)irom
why do you care about subnet permissions? why not rg contributor? because it needs to create load balancer4c74356b41
contributor right to rq was the fix, thnx;)irom

1 Answers


the answer to this particular issue was granting proper permissions (contributor, for example) to the aks resource group