I am setting up Kubernetes cluster on Azure (using AKS) to host Elasticsearch, Kibana, custom api, UI, nginx, etc.
As I don't want separate public IP per service, I need a way to setup a common load balancer/Ingress and then just add the port numbers to there and setup routing.
I tried using the approach mentioned in this stackoverflow question - How to expose multiple port using a load balancer services in kubernetes but didn't work out.
As there are technology clients connecting to my cluster, I need to have service per technology.
Basically I need to expose 9200, 5601, 80 - all on same IP but on accessing the IP with port, user must be re-directed to appropriate technology service.
Below is sample configuration for what am looking for.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: myingress
- host: myurl.domain.com
- path: /
serviceName: elasticsearch
servicePort: 9200
- path: /
serviceName: kibana
servicePort: 5602
Any thoughts?