
I need to send Authorisation token for the below Power BI capacity suspend request :

Suspend API CALL :


The below API call is used to get Authentication token: Access token API call :


for this access token API call it requires input as grant_type, client_id, client_secret and resource.

My question is that where I need to take client_id and client_secret for Azure power BI embeded type service.

Please give me suggestion


1 Answers


You should have an App registration to obtain these values. Register an App in Azure AAD.

Client ID: Also called the Application ID of the Application that is created to be used with Power BI. Check App registrations in Azure AD.

Client Secret: This can also be obtained from Azure AAD > App Registrations > Application > Certifications and Secrets.

You also need to Grant access to enable and Grant the PowerBI related API Permissions.