
I need programically get user AKS clusters , but

i have problem when execute this request https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters?api-version=2018-03-31

Headers : Authorization: bearer {JWT}

I get

    "error": {
        "code": "AuthenticationFailed",
        "message": "Authentication failed."

How i retrieve this JWT token

I use this flow https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-authentication-scenarios#web-application-to-web-api for implementation

  1. I use it https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-protocols-openid-connect-code for get code
  2. After i try retrieve access token https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-id}/oauth2/token Headers :

grant_type : authorization_code
client_id : {myapp-id}
code : {Retrieve from step 1}
client_secret : {myapp-key}
resource : https://graph.microsoft.com

And in result i has JWT token with payload

  "aud": "https://graph.microsoft.com",
  "iss": "https://sts.windows.net/ee3f07b0-0b4f-4929-acb0-643894a174fa/",
  "iat": 1533214682,
  "nbf": 1533214682,
  "exp": 1533218582,
  "acct": 0,
  "acr": "1",
  "amr": [
  "app_displayname": "SinglePageApp-jQuery-DotNet",
  "appidacr": "1",
  "ipaddr": "",
  "name": "Pasha Kostohrys",
  "platf": "3",
  "puid": "1003BFFDAC20BE5D",
  "scp": "Directory.AccessAsUser.All Directory.Read.All Directory.ReadWrite.All Group.Read.All Group.ReadWrite.All Member.Read.Hidden User.Read User.Read.All User.ReadBasic.All",
  "ver": "1.0",
  "wids": [

1 Answers


The audience of the bearer token you retrieved is https://graph.microsoft.com/, but the audience of the API you requested is https://management.core.windows.net/.

I think you should use resource : https://management.core.windows.net/ to get the bearer token, it will work.