I stumbled upon a statement in Intel Software developers manual: "For LGDT, LIDT, LLDT, LTR, SGDT, SIDT, SLDT, STR, the exit qualification receives the value of the instruction’s displacement field, which is sign-extended to 64 bits if necessary (32 bits on processors that do not support Intel 64 architecture). If the instruction has no displacement (for example, has a register operand), zero is stored into the exit qualification. "
Now if I have an instruction LIDT 0xf290, then is "0xf290" a displacement? I think answer is yes.
So, my confusion is what all constitute as displacement? I was under impression that displacement is something which is calculated with respect to current eip value. For eg. jmp xxx (In intrasegment jumps this will be a displacement. But for intersegment jumps, it should be absolute address.) If that is the case then why LIDT loads a relative address?