If you give the find command an absolute path, it will spit the results out with an absolute path. So, from the Ken directory if you were to type:
find /home/ken/foo/ -name bar -print
(instead of the relative path find . -name bar -print
You should get:
Therefore, if you want an ls -l
and have it return the absolute path, you can just tell the find command to execute an ls -l
on whatever it finds.
find /home/ken/foo -name bar -exec ls -l {} ;\
NOTE: There is a space between {}
and ;
You'll get something like this:
-rw-r--r-- 1 ken admin 181 Jan 27 15:49 /home/ken/foo/bar
If you aren't sure where the file is, you can always change the search location. As long as the search path starts with "/", you will get an absolute path in return. If you are searching a location (like /) where you are going to get a lot of permission denied errors, then I would recommend redirecting standard error so you can actually see the find results:
find / -name bar -exec ls -l {} ;\ 2> /dev/null
is the syntax for the Borne and Bash shells, but will not work with the C shell. It may work in other shells too, but I only know for sure that it works in Bourne and Bash).
find /home/ken/foo/bar -exec ls -ld $PWD/{} \;
– Learner