
I am having trouble defining the relationships in my Eloquent Models when using a 3 way intermediate pivot table.

Here are the 4 tables in my database:

    - id
    - name

    - id
    - key

    - id
    - user_id
    - instrument_id
    - level_id

    - id
    - key
  • Instruments keys can be: guitare, piano, trumpet, etc.
  • Levels keys can be: beginner, intermediate, expert, etc.

Each user can play of 1 or more instrument. For each played instrument (relationship), we attribute a level with level_id.

I am trying to get a list of instruments for a given user, with the corresponding level. Here is the JSON returned for a user with 1 instrument:


My issue here is that level is an array, but I want only one level attributed to each played instrument. I believe this is because I used a belongsToMany relationship, but that was the only way I found to be able to pass through the intermediate table (instruments_users).

In Laravel I configured my Eloquent Models as follow:


public function instruments() {
    return $this->belongsToMany(


protected $with = ['level'];

public function users() {
    return $this->belongsToMany(

public function level() {
    return $this->belongsToMany(


public function instruments() {
    return $this->belongsToMany(
Laravel doesn't currently support ternary relationships. There's a workaround here. Here you can also simplify to user - level and have each level be instrument specific and then each user will be associated to a level and to an instrument via that levelapokryfos
Why not drop the levels table entirely and add the level to the instruments_users pivot table?DigitalDrifter
@DigitalDrifter I thought about that but I want to be able to edit/display that list easily. Plus, the keys are going to be used in translation files and the DB table will be a good reference point.Arnaud B
@apokryfos the workaround doesn't seem to fix my issue, which is that I get level as an array with one element (because there can be only one element) instead of a single element. As for having instrument specific levels, that defeats the modularity of levels in my case.Arnaud B

1 Answers


I think you are better off defining different kind of relationships:

Tables and models:

users >> Model User
    - id
    - name

instruments >> Model Instrument
    - id
    - key

instruments_users >> Model InstrumentUser
    - id
    - user_id
    - instrument_id
    - level_id

levels >> Model Level
    - id
    - key

Model User:

function userInstruments()
    //One user can have many user_instruments
    return $this->hasMany(App\InstrumentUser::class);

Model UserInstrument:

function instrument()
    //One user_instrument belongs to one instrument 
    return $this->belongsTo(App\Instrument::class);

function level()
    //One user_instrument belongs to one level
    return $this->belongsTo(App\Level::class);

With this setup, you can get all the data required with a query like this:

$user = User::with(['userInstruments.instrument', 'userInstruments.level'])->find($id);

$users = User::with(['userInstruments.instrument', 'userInstruments.level'])->get();

The output should look something like this:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Darth",
    "user_instruments": [
            "id": 1,
            "instrument_id": 1,
            "instrument": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "clarinet",
            "level_id": 1,
            "level": {
                "id": "1",
                "key": "Noob"
            "user_id": 1

I hope this helps.