In Laravel I have a table of Users and a table of Notices, in a many-to-many relationship. Each notice is given to a set of users, and each user can mark the notice as read independently. The intermediate table (notice_user_map) has a 'read' column for this.
I'm trying to create "mark all as read" functionality, but can't see how to do this through Eloquent. Here's the base code:
$notices = $user->notices()
->where('read', 0)
foreach ($notices as $notice) {
$notice->pivot->read = 1;
So this finds all unread notices for that user and loops through them, setting the 'read' attribute on the intermediate (pivot) table. But the last line gives the error
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany::saveMany() must be of the type array, object given
If I create an array manually, I get this error:
Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '4293672207-2904708423' for key 'notice_user' (SQL: insert into
) values (2016-01-06 17:53:39, 4293672207, 2016-01-06 17:53:39, 2904708423))
I can't access the pivot like $authUser->notices()->pivot
What is the correct way to mass-save data in the pivot table?