
I have the following data:

Rank    Platforms        Technology

high    Windows||Linux   Unity
high    Linux             
low     Windows          Unreal 
low     Linux||MacOs     GameMakerStudio||Unity||Unreal
low                      GameMakerStudio

Both Platforms and Technology are categorical variables. The issue here is they can have one, or Empty, or, especially multiple values like GameMakerStudio||Unity||Unreal. I am building a logistic regression model to predict Rank data.

I am attempting to encoding these variables for my model. However, I have not found any solution for list-type categorical values. I have read this page Encoding Categorical Variables and found that One-hot encoding is the most closely related, but still does not address my issue.

I could, of course, manually encode it. For example, there are around 7 distinct platform value for Platforms column, if Platforms = Windows||Linux, I could set 2 columns is_windows = true and is_linux = true. But for Technology column, there are 21 distinct values.

Is there a way to encode it automatically?

Try looking at this answer stackoverflow.com/questions/12680754/…, then once you have that done the one-hot should be easier.mgrollins
What is the problem with the 21 distinct values?Dani Mesejo

1 Answers


You never mention Pandas in your question, but I'll guess that's what you're using. If so, the link you mentioned has the response: get_dummies

[nav] In [17]: c = pandas.read_csv ("/tmp/asdf.txt", header=0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

[nav] In [18]: c                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
   Rank       Platforms                      Technology
0  high  Windows||Linux                           Unity
1  high           Linux                             NaN
2   low         Windows                          Unreal
3   low    Linux||MacOs  GameMakerStudio||Unity||Unreal
4   low             NaN                 GameMakerStudio

[nav] In [19]: c.Platforms.str.get_dummies ()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
   Linux  MacOs  Windows
0      1      0        1
1      1      0        0
2      0      0        1
3      1      1        0
4      0      0        0

[nav] In [20]: pd.concat ( [c, c.Platforms.str.get_dummies (), c.Technology.str.get_dummies ()], axis=1 )                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
   Rank       Platforms                      Technology  Linux  MacOs  Windows  GameMakerStudio  Unity  Unreal
0  high  Windows||Linux                           Unity      1      0        1                0      1       0
1  high           Linux                             NaN      1      0        0                0      0       0
2   low         Windows                          Unreal      0      0        1                0      0       1
3   low    Linux||MacOs  GameMakerStudio||Unity||Unreal      1      1        0                1      1       1
4   low             NaN                 GameMakerStudio      0      0        0                1      0       0