What JavaScript do I need to use to redirect a parent window from an iframe?
I want them to click a hyperlink which, using JavaScript or any other method, would redirect the parent window to a new URL.
@MIP is right, but with newer versions of Safari, you will need to add sandbox attribute(HTML5) to give redirect access to the iFrame. There are a few specific values that can be added with a space between them.
Reference(you will need to scroll): https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe
<iframe sandbox="allow-top-navigation" src="http://google.com/"></iframe>
If you'd like to redirect to another domain without the user having to do anything you can use a link with the property:
as said previously, and then use:
to have it automatically redirect.
<a id="link" target="_parent" href="outsideDomain.html"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
Note: The javascript click() command must come after you declare the link.
, too. Since the accepted answer addresses the top window, I suggest you change your question a bit. – Ron Klein