we have kafka
cluster with 3 brokers machines
and 3 zookeeper
servers machines
all servers are installed on redhat 7.2 version
but when we run the following cli ( to know that all brokers ids are exist in zookeeper , we get:
zookeeper-shell.sh zoo_server:2181 <<< "ls /brokers/ids"
WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
[3, 2]
instead to get that:
[3, 2 , 1]
we checked the first broker ( kafka01
) by searching errors in server.log
And we not see any related error in the log!
port 2181 from kafka broker to zookeeper machine is working
we also restart kafka01
, but this not help to get the broker id in zookeeper cli
we try also to restart all zookeeper
servers ( there are 3 ) , and then again to restart kafka01
, but still without results
so any suggestion to this behavior?
can we add the missing broker to zookeeper cli ? , if yes then how?
note - I see another thread - https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Support-Questions/Specified-config-does-not-exist-in-ZooKeeper/td-p/1875
but no info about how to add id to zookeeper
server is simply not connected/configured with the rest of the cluster. So, the "cluster" is really only brokers 2 and 3 right now. – mjuarez