We have Kafka confluent cluster , cluster include 3 Kafka brokers ,
Version details:
Kafka machines are installed on rhel version 7.2
Kafka confluent version is 0.1x
Zookeeper version: 3.4.10
schema-registry version: 4.0.0
Each Kafka broker machine include the following services
Kafka broker
Zookeeper server
Schema registry
Now we want to add a additionally new 3 Kafka
brokers machines to the current Kafka cluster ( the Additional Kafka machines are – kafka04/05/06
with the same Kafka version – 0.1X
, )
So cluster should be finally with:
6 Kafka
brokers machines - kafka01, kafka02 , kafka03 , kafka04 , kakfa05 , kafka05
3 zookeeper
servers - kafka01, kafka02 , kafka03
3 schema registry
services - kafka01, kafka02 , kafka03
In order to connect the new 3 Kafka
brokers to the existing Kafka cluster we need to change the Configuration on all Kafka Machines ( the old Kafka machines and the new Kafka machines )
We are not sure what are exactly the configuration files in Kafka brokers that should be changed, But From my understanding We should change the Kafka and zookeeper settings as the following
I will happy to get remarks/notes about the following procedure
Edit the
file on the new Kafka brokers -kafka04/05/06
, and change thebroker.id
parameter as the followingOn kafka04 -
On kafka05 -broker.id=5
On kafka06 -broker.id=6
Edit the server.properties on all Kafka machines -
And change the following parameters to the number of total nodes in the clusteroffsets.topic.replication.factor=6 transaction.state.log.replication.factor=6
On the new Kafka machines -
Kafka 04/05/06
edit theserver.properties
and update the parameter --zookeeper.connect
with the zookeeper server ip’s that located onkafka01
On Kafka machines –
kafka 04/05/06
, edit the file -zookeeper.properties
as the
Followingserver.1= server.2= server.3=
Edit the file -
file onKafka 04/05/06
, and change the parameterbroker.id
as the Followingon
After settings as above , restart all Kafka brokers services on
and Restart the zookeeper servers onkafka01/02/03
And verify all Kafka services and zookeeper service started successfully
Reference info - https://www2.microstrategy.com/producthelp/current/PlatformAnalytics/en-us/Content/Add_kafka_node_to_kafka_cluster.htm