We have Kafka cluster , cluster include 7 Kafka brokers ,
Version details:
Kafka machines are installed on rhel version 7.2
Kafka version is 0.1x
Zookeeper version: 3.4.10
schema-registry version: 4.0.0
Each Kafka broker machine include the following services
Kafka broker
Zookeeper server
Schema registry
Now we want to delete 2 Kafka
brokers machines from the current Kafka cluster ( the Kafka machines that we want to delete are – 06/07
( Kafka version – 0.1X
, )
So cluster should be finally with:
5 Kafka
brokers machines - kafka01, kafka02 , kafka03 , kafka04 , kakfa05 , kafka05
3 zookeeper
servers/services that installed on kafka01, kafka02 , kafka03
5 schema registry
services that installed on kafka01, kafka02 , kafka03 , kakfa05 , kafka05
We are not sure what are exactly the configuration files in Kafka brokers that should be changed, when we delete from the cluster the Kafka brokers - kafka 07/06
I will happy to get remarks/notes about Kafka brokers deletion procedure
from my understanding we need to do the following in order to remove the kafka machines - kafka 06/07
on kafka06/07
stop the services of
Kafka broker
Zookeeper server
Schema registry
then shutdown the kafka06/07
machines as
init 0
then restart the following service on kafka01/02/03/04/05
Kafka broker
Zookeeper server
Schema registry