I am trying to learn/implement jest testing into my react-redux application. My test fails saying that the received does not equal what was expected, however, the actual thunk works and returns data to my application. So I've either written the test incorrectly (which i basically copy/pasted from the redux-docs) or I'm writing my thunk incorrectly.
export const getOddGroups = () => {
return dispatch => {
return axios.get("/api/tables/oddgroups")
.then(results => {
dispatch({type: "GET_ODD_GROUPS", payload: results.data})
}).catch(err => {
dispatch({ type: "GET_ERRORS", payload: err.response.message })
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import * as oddActions from '../actions/OddActions';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock'
const middlewares = [thunk]
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares)
describe('query preview async actions', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('creates GET_ODD_GROUPS when successful', () => {
fetchMock.get("*", {
results: { data: [{ "row1": "some data" }] },
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }
const expectedActions = [
{ type: "GET_ODD_GROUPS", results: { data: [{ "row1": "some data" }] } },
const store = mockStore({ oddGroups: [] })
return store.dispatch(oddActions.getOddGroups()).then(() => {
// return of async actions
expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality
- Expected
+ Received
Array [
Object {
- "results": Object {
- "data": Array [
- Object {
- "row1": "some data",
- },
- ],
- },
- "type": "GET_ODD_GROUPS",
+ "payload": undefined,
+ "type": "GET_ERRORS",
EDIT - UPDATE At the suggestion of @CoryDanielson I reworked the test using axios-mock-adapter and this post but I'm still getting the same error as above.
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import * as oddActions from '../actions/oddActions';
import axios from "axios";
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
const middlewares = [thunk]
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares)
let mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
describe('query preview async actions', () => {
beforeEach(function () {
/*Not sure which one is best to use in this situation yet
* will test both
mock.reset(); // reset both registered mock handlers and history items with reset
//mock.restore(); //restore the original adapter (which will remove the mocking behavior)
it("return data for GET_ODD_GROUPS when successful", function (done) {
.reply(function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
resolve([200, { key: 'value' }]);
const store = mockStore({ oddGroups: [] })
store.dispatch(oddActions.getOddGroups()).then(() => {
let expectedActions = [{ type: "GET_ODD_GROUPS", payload: { key: 'value' } }]
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
When I return the console state console.log(store.getActions());
Its giving me back the error dispatch action
And this console.log(store.dispatch(oddActions.getOddGroups()));
returns Promise { <pending> }
After trying and failing with several options, I dropped using axios-mock-adapter and used moxios instead. After following this article I was able to successfully create tests.
but your fetchMock is returningpayload
- Add some logging inside of your thunk to see what the fetch mock is returning to it. – Cory Danielson.then()
? What are you seeing there? It will probably be simpler to mock axios itself, rather than fetch. – Cory Danielson