I am having trouble testing a thunk using mock-store.
In my thunk I call getState() to get the state of the redux store and then dispatch actions based on the state.
How do I get my thunks getState() call to check the mock stores state and not the redux store state?
import {initialState} from '../configureStore'
import {saveAndSendTask} from '../thunks/queueThunk'
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import * as actions from '../actions/index'
const middlewares = [thunk]
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares)
describe('Testing TaskQueue Thunk', () => {
const store = mockStore(initialState)
test('Test TaskQueue thunk sends to sever and removes from queue.', () => {
// removed variables test data for the sake of brevity.
// Add actions to Mock Store and set up Base state needed to test.
store.dispatch(actions.setTasks([task1, task2, task3]))
// This is the thunk I want to test.
Here is the thunk I want to test.
export const saveAndSendTask = (): any => {
return (dispatch: Dispatch, getState) => {
// This state is the same as initial state of redux store. Ignores Mock store state.
// Selected task is undefined.
// ....rest of logic.....